How to Freeze Foods Potato Salads Easily?

Many foods are quite Simple to freeze and this may be a significant time saver. Dinner time is often hurried and it is excellent to get some homemade food ready and waiting in your freezer. Frozen meals bought at the supermarket are less healthy. Have a look at the ingredient list on the back of those foods and you will see some you would not recognize as food ingredients!

Let us take a look at Some foods which do not freeze nicely:

  • Mayonnaise
  • Artificial Vanilla
  • Cooked egg whites and anything that contains egg whites
  • Gelatin (like Jello brand)
  • Cakes and pies that Have a custard filling
  • Sauces that contain flour or cornstarch as a thickening agent
  • Milk, light and heavy cream or sour cream.
  • Raw veggies (unless they have been blanched)
  • High water content vegetables: eggplant, radishes, celery, fennel, tomatoes, leafy salad greens, cucumbers, potatoes and zucchini.

Potato Salads

You Can suspend these high water content veggies if you cook them. They have to also be finely chopped or pureed. So we want some foods That are easy to freeze. Hearty soups like poultry, vegetable or bean are amazing for this purpose. Cooked noodles and pasta sauce can be frozen. Shepherd’s pie is a favorite that freezes very well. Just think casseroles as many are simple foods to freeze. Boiling a whole Chicken is just another quick freezer food. Boil it, shred it up, pack it into freezer bags and freeze it. The chicken is cooked and ready to throw in with some cooked rice or veggies. Good time saver!

can you freeze potato salad? You will Need to Invest in an range of freezer containers acceptable for big meal sizes or for splitting into smaller portion sizes. Make sure you date all containers as you run the risk of freezer burn if it is left in the freezer for a long time. Even though most frozen foods can last several months in the freezer, I do not like to leave foods in the freezer for any more than one or two months. Just get a quantity of decals and a black mark at the local dollar store. Easy!

You will find that Most foods are wonderful for freezing. It is a fantastic time saver to have the ability to take some homemade foods directly from your freezer and prepare them in half the time. There are an endless number of recipes for cooking meals for the freezer. Cooking in loading and bulk your freezer up not only saves time during the week, but in addition, it saves you money.